October 19, 2022
Tonight’s Theme: Trick or Treat
“Chinese Food”
Andy has lifetime love affair with Chinese Food … until this one time.
“Trick or Treat, Money or Sweets”
Jim and his sisters are left home alone to hand out Halloween candy. Then, the candy ran out, and they had a brilliant idea which appealed to all the kids in the neighborhood.
“Costume Fail”
Kim gets a last minute invitation to a Halloween party and has to improvise a costume. She throws together a wonderful costume that probably would have won a costume contest. The problem was that for Kim’s target audience Kim-in-costume wasn’t all that desirable. Lessons are learned.
"What was I Thinking?”
Bev dresses up for Halloween and enjoys herself trick or treating with friends. When she gets home she finds it impossible to remove her costume. What was Bev thinking?
"The Trick is the Treatment"
During a very cold winter vortex, through a combination of sad circumstances, Jill finds herself taking care of an orphaned horse who needs nourishment, a friend and a home. The horse finds a way to acknowledge Jill’s compassion and kindness.