Moonstone Memoirs
True stories told (without notes) in front of a live audience!

Awesome! You are considering telling a story at Moonstone Memoirs!

So, here’s the idea: This is an event where people tell five (or so) minute-long stories in front of a live audience. These stories are personal, non-fictional accounts told without notes or props. This is a monthly event. Each month the stories address a new theme posted on our Winery Events. Base your story using the theme on actual events involving you. The themes are pretty loose so you’ll have lots of leeway for your tale.

To give you a sense of the evening, listen to Moonstone Memoir Storytellers from past events.

Still intrigued? Fantastic. Come, share your story.

Typically, we have a dozen or so speakers take the stage, which means about half the audience will be sharing their story during the evening. Thus, you’re not alone.

Here are the details:

What: "Moonstone Memoirs, True Stories Told Live While Imbibing"
When: The Fourth Wednesday of the Month
Time: 6:00 - 8:00pm or so.
Where: Moonstone Cellars Club Member Lounge, 812 Cornwall Street, Cambria
Storytellers: YOU, and many more!
- $5 Suggested Donation (for a local charity announced in advance each month)

What have you got to lose? And, besides, everyone will be drinking ;-)

"Go for the glory and tell your story!"

Tell Your Story
Guidelines for Telling a Great Story
Hear Moonstone Memoir Storytellers from past events